Sunday, May 8, 2016

Love you, Momma.

What do you give the woman who gave you LIFE?

The woman who dried your tears when you were sad, the woman who took care of you when you were sick. The woman who you shared laughs, glances from across the room when you knew what each other was thinking. The woman who supported you in every step of your dream to become a teacher. The woman who never, for one second, wavered in believing in you, even though you thought you were a failure and that you misread your entire life's purpose?

My mother is a strong woman. She always has been. Regardless of what she thinks, she is strong. She is brave, and she is courageous.

Her life has dealt her a very long series of challenges from the beginning of her life to her present day. Somehow, this woman continues to show love to everyone around her. When she sees a need in her daily life, she finds a way to fill it. She wants those around her to feel loved, because she knows what it feels like to feel unloved. She is compassionate, she is kind, she is giving, she is generous, she is love.

And of all the mothers in the world, that the Lord could have given me, He gives me this woman. This beautiful, courageous, brave and loving woman.  Check out this radiant and contagious smile :)

Momma, I love you. I wish I could give you the WORLD.