Saturday, March 12, 2016

You are worth it.

I'm an open, honest person. At least I believe I am. So sometimes I overshare. If you don't care, don't read it :)

I've had a GOOD life. A blessed life. I LOVE my life. So this is not me complaining. The past 5 years after moving to Minnesota has been a growing experience, and I am who I am today because of everything I have been through.

In the past 5 years, I've done a lot of career guessing.

I've gone from Teacher, to Substitute Teacher, to Nanny, to Before and After School Care Teacher, to Mary Kay Lady, to Patient Care Coordinator, to Event Planner/Business Owner, to an Office Sales Assistant.

I allowed myself to believe I am a failure.

I have seen a lot of fluctuation in my weight. Mostly it going up.

I have watched myself stop caring about my hobbies.

I have watched myself communicate less and less with those I love. Friends, family.

I remember one day, admitting my failure to my husband. He looked at me, tears in my eyes, and proclaimed, "You are NOT a failure. You've tried some things. They didn't work out. That doesn't mean you failed. I've never viewed you as a failure."

He said this to me a couple years ago, and while it meant the world to me, I didn't believe it for myself. And without going in to huge detail, and telling an incredibly long story, I'll sum it up with how one day I finally decided to believe it.

I am NOT a failure.

In fact, all of those situations have given me experiences that no other person on this earth will ever get to have. They have made me who I am today and I am EXCITED to see what is coming. I wouldn't change any of those experiences one bit.

I will be a teacher.

I will gain control of my health.

I will pursue my passions.

I will change lives, and I believe those lives will be changed for the better. 

I will succeed. I am worth it.

I want to tell you, today, that you are NOT a failure. 

You only fail if you sit in your own self pity and stay there.

Pick yourself up, start again. Do this until you make it. You are worth it.

Join me on this journey!

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