Saturday, April 2, 2016

10 Things You May Not Know About Me

I thought since the last two of my blog posts were rather serious...I'd switch it up with something a bit more fun!

Now you may know some or all of these. You may not. Either way I hope you have fun reading about me!

[ONE] My FAVORITE not a Disney Movie. It's not Harry Potter. Or The Hunger Games...or any of those. My favorite movie stars Judy Garland, and it's an old movie filmed in 1944.

Is it super cheesy? Yes. Does it have a love story? Yes. Is it full of song? YES. LOVE. And it makes me feel so cozy and warm when I watch it.

[TWO] My Uncle Tom introduced me to a band called Five Iron Frenzy many many years ago. They quickly became a favorite band of mine...

Until my brother decided it was his favorite band. RUDE. Which of course, made me mad. So I pretended to hate their music for years. Until one day I couldn't handle it anymore. I admitted, finally, that I loved their music and well my brother wouldn't let me live it down for a loooooooong time.

(BONUS: I've done similar things with My Humps by Black Eyed Peas, and Taylor Swift. I secretly liked them for a very long time until one day I had enough and my love for the song/music had to come out)

[THREE] I forced myself in to liking (er...LOVING) coffee. I used to detest the way it tasted. I've always loved the way it smelled, but it's taste just never made sense to me. "WHY WOULD ANYONE LIKE THAT STUFF", I'd often wonder. "It's an acquired taste" people would tell me. I didn't understand what was so great about something if you had to acquire the taste.

Then, one day I realized all my friends liked coffee. Well, guess what, I wanted to like coffee too. Only I thought it was awful.

So I decided I was going to like coffee, and I didn't care how much personal torture I would have to go through to like it.

GOOD JOB, MEL. You like it now. Only you like it a little too darn much. *shakes head*

[FOUR] My FAVORITE christmas present, ever, was my American Girl doll - Samantha. I've always been blessed in the gift receiving department, but the one gift as a child that I will never forget is my Samantha doll. I remember our family tradition of opening one gift on Christmas Eve, and I remember Jordan and I sitting on Mom and Dad's bed. We had our gifts in front of us and it was my turn to open my gift (we always took turns so we could watch what everyone got!) and my heart leaped for joy when I saw that brilliant brown head of hair and that beautiful plaid dress. She was finally mine! She was perfect. I'll never forget opening that gift.

Now most dolls creep the heeby jeebies out of me. Not Samantha though. Samantha will always be perfect. :)

[FIVE] I COULD EAT PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY SANDWICHES EVERYDAY. That's all. They are just excellent. Ugh. Especially grilled.

[SIX] I love camping. Love camping.


"Oh you don't look like someone who likes camping"...I've heard that more times than I care to admit. You don't have to look a certain way to like camping. I'm not all super duper handy in the wilderness (meaning I'll be camping at a camp site with certain luxuries like showers and toilets), but that doesn't mean I don't like it!

I love being the first person up, starting the fire and making a good cup of coffee to sit with, listening to the early sounds of the summer.  I love good hikes, breathing the fresh air. The coziness of my sleeping bag and the sounds of night surrounding me. S'mores. Guitar playing by the fire at night. Laughter and card games. Mmmmmm.

This picture was taken on a hike at Banning State Park from a camping trip this past summer! <3

[SEVEN] I hate grocery shopping. My husband and I both don't like it much. It's just like the worst. I just feel like there are a million other things I'd rather be doing like....even laundry or cleaning, really anything but grocery shopping. #firstworldproblems

[EIGHT] I have super weird dreams. On average I have about 2 dreams a night that I can recall the next day. My favorite dreams are where I can fly and I am in control. It's like I have a real super power...only it's in my dream so it's definitely not real....or is it...

Speaking of super powers, I recently dreamed I was The Flash's sidekick...and I could travel time too. We had to go back and forth through time for a reason I can't remember. But we could only travel time through a portal, and no humans could see us or our secret would be out. And the portal was in the equivalent of Times Square so it was very tricky...

There was also that one dream where giant leprechauns chased me and I was in a getaway go-kart. Everything was in super neon colors...

I could recall some of my worst nightmares. However, in hopes of sweet dreams for me and for you tonight, I shall not tell of them.

[NINE] I am pretty sure I am socially awkward. Not always. But like sometimes? This is me:

Oh! I thought you were waving at me. Sorry.

How I feel and probably look when I meet someone I don't know. Not always. But I just never know what I'm going to be like.

Also this. When I feel uncomfortable I probably do something like this.

[TEN] LAST BUT NOT LEAST! My idea of a good Friday night involves staying in the house. I'd much rather hang out with 1 or 2 friends than around a large group of people. Now and again it is fun to dress up and go out or see loads of people. But it's rare. But truthfully, I'm a homebody.

The following Friday nights pretty much sum up my version of a good time.

1. Order pizza, watch a movie, or binge watch a show on Netflix with Jay.

2. Invite a friend (or two friends haha) over, make some fun eats and watch a movie, play card games or video games with that friend (or two) and Jay.

Keep it small. Keep it simple.

Oh. Going out to see movies at the theater also is good.

So there you have it! 10 things about me, that you may or may not know.

Love, peace, and chicken grease, folks!

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